
Endometriosis: Potential Complications, Diagnostic Tests and Treatment Options

Research shows endometrial pain can have far-reaching implications for a woman’s quality of life. That is why Raveco Medical promotes timely diagnosis for patients with endometriosis Jackson Heights. Here is an outline of endometriosis complications and potential treatments.

Endometriosis complications

Endometriosis can cause infertility, especially if it remains untreated. Research is yet to establish the exact mechanisms behind fertility problems. But it is thought to arise from damage to the reproductive system, particularly the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Another complication is adhesion, which can occur when endometrial tissue bleed. Adhesions can cause surrounding organs to join. It also interferes with the function of organs and can intensify discomfort.

Patients with adhesions describe experiencing sensations of sharp, excruciating pain, usually around the pelvis. In extreme cases, adhesions may lead to a ‘frozen pelvis’, which can be fatal. 

The pain from endometrial adhesion can impact your quality of life. Studies indicate women with the condition experience fatigue, low self-esteem, negative self-image, and social withdrawal. Fortunately, minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopy can alleviate the pain.

Endometriosis tests and diagnosis

Diagnosis typically begins with a review of your symptoms and medication. Your doctor will also perform a pelvic exam to detect anomalies in your reproductive system.

An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) can also provide images of tissues and organs. Visual data is crucial for treatment planning. It can show the size and location of the endometrial tissue.

Laparoscopy involves making micro incisions around your navel to insert a miniature camera. It generates detailed images of endometrial tissues. It is an invaluable diagnostic tool for determining the extent of the growth outside the uterus. Your specialist may also take tissue samples for additional tests.

Treatment options for endometriosis

Your provider will consider your age and the severity of symptoms before crafting a treatment plan. Some cases of endometriosis may get better without treatment. But it is always advisable to consult a specialist.

Patients have varying needs, including pain relief, endometriosis tissue extraction, or addressing infertility. The objectives will determine the best approach for managing your condition.

Pain medication such as NSAIDs can offer relief for menstrual cramps. A review of your prescriptions will inform the ideal combination of drugs for the best results.

Hormone therapy can address pain and reduce most of your endometriosis symptoms. The treatment limits estrogen production from the ovaries. Estrogen encourages the growth of endometrial tissue. Lower levels prevent scarring, but the treatment does not address existing adhesions.

If the other options do not work, you may require laparoscopic surgery to remove endometrial tissue. It involves making small incisions in the abdomen. A harmless gas inflates the abdomen to allow the insertion of instruments.

Removing the endometrial tissue is an intricate process that requires excision without scarring healthy tissue. Your surgeon may remove adhesion, which can alleviate pain and discomfort.

Laparoscopy has long-term benefits for women with deep lesions. Removing endometrial tissues and adhesions can reduce back pain. Laparoscopy may restore your ability to get pregnant, but it does not work in all cases. You will discuss with your provider your options and what to expect from the procedure.

To schedule an endometriosis consultation, call Raveco Medical or book online today.

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