
What Is Cervical Disc Disease? – Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Neck pain could be excruciating, irritating, and incapacitating. Once neck discomfort extends down the arm, life could become unbearable. Individuals develop cervical disc disease Roswell once the discs in the upper portion of the spine start to deteriorate and develop small rips. Although some individuals are genetically predisposed to this unpleasant condition, age and injuries could also be factors. Continue reading to learn more about what causes cervical disc disease and the warning signs to watch out for.

What Causes Cervical Disc Disease?

The disc’s interior soft tissue (nucleus pulposus) might degenerate with age. The jelly-like component of the disc dries out and begins to lose its capacity to disperse and transmit stresses to the vertebral column.

Disc herniation develops once the disc gets torn on the annulus fibrosus (outermost layers), whereas the nucleus pulposus (inner portion) starts to force out of its centralized location. If symptoms consistent with a nerve issue arise, it is typically because of spinal compression and is recognized as cervical radiculopathy. Smoking and obesity are other common risk factors for cervical disc disease. 

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Cervical Disc Disease?

If you suspect you could have a cervical disc disease, here are some of the symptoms to be mindful of:

Neck Pain

A stiff neck is frequently the most prevalent complaint. This discomfort is not incapacitating but is deemed mild. Once discomfort flares up, it could become excruciating. This discomfort can continue for several hours or even days.

Nerve Aches

Once the neck’s nerves are damaged, the discomfort progresses from mild to intense electric shocks. This pain may trigger shock-like symptoms to shoot down the hands, fingers, and arms from the shoulder. Often, this nerve pain is one-sided; you will only experience it on one half of your body.

Neurological Signs

Again, neurological symptoms could produce pins-and-needles sensations, weakness, or even numbness in the shoulders, fingers, hands, and arms. This condition is not as unpleasant as nerve discomfort. Nonetheless, it could be significantly more incapacitating due to its disruption with everyday routines such as grasping, driving, and typing.

Pain with Motion

Disc degeneration is commonly apparent once the discomfort reduces with rest and worsens with motion. This condition can induce localized swelling and instability.

If a degenerative disc exclusively causes the discomfort, it will typically decrease and disappear within several weeks or months. Nonetheless, if the neck joints begin to degenerate or spinal nerves are compressed, the discomfort will become persistent and require therapy.

How To Diagnose and Treat Cervical Disc Disease?

If progressed, cervical disc abnormalities could be identified using an X-ray that reveals the collapse of the disc’s height and probable bone spurs and end plate alterations. MRIs are the most effective imaging modality for these diseases.

Nonetheless, if there are numerous afflicted discs, it becomes more difficult to determine what discs are causing the discomfort and which are not. In this instance, additional imaging techniques, such as CT scans, nerve blocks, and discography, are required to identify the affected region. Some common treatment options for cervical disc disease include physical therapy, injections, anti-swelling medicines, and even surgery.

Cervical disc disease could be a natural consequence of age, but you are not obliged to suffer from neck pain. With the correct diagnosis and massage therapy, you could return to an active, more fulfilling lifestyle. Talk to a specialist to determine the cause of your neck discomfort and develop a customized treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms and make you feel better.

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