
6 Ways to Build Lasting Healthy Eating Habits

Are you trying to eat healthier but not seeing the results you want? It can be frustrating when you feel like you’re doing everything “right,” yet you’re still not getting the health benefits you were hoping for. The good news is that there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success. From following a top-rated meal plan to having a support system, we’ve got you covered. Here are six tips for building lasting healthy eating habits.

  1. Make a Plan

You know the drill. It’s Monday morning, you roll out of bed after hitting snooze for the fifth time and as you brush your teeth, you swear that this is the week you’re finally going to start eating healthy. But then Tuesday comes around and you’re so busy with work/school/life that you forget about your health goals and get takeout for dinner. Again. It’s not that you don’t want to eat healthily. It’s just that making nutritious meals from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you’re doing it alone.

If you’re ready to make a lasting change in your eating habits, the first step is to create a plan. Decide what kind of healthy eater you want to be. Do you want to focus on eating more vegetables or cutting out processed foods? Do you want to follow something like the low-FODMAP meal plan to help deal with gastrointestinal issues or the Mediterranean diet for its heart health benefits?

Once you’ve got your goal in mind, make a list of simple recipes that fit into your new lifestyle or sign up for a service like a low-FODMAP meal delivery program. Again, planning ahead or having what you need on hand will make it much easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.

  1. Be Patient

Patience is a virtue, and never is that more true than when it comes to developing lasting healthy eating habits. After all, old habits die hard, and it takes time to develop new ones. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a healthy relationship with food. Creating a lifestyle that embraces healthy eating requires time and effort like any other habit. But it’s worth it! 

Patience is essential in the process of changing your eating habits. You must be patient with yourself as you learn new things and make mistakes. And you need to be patient with the process, knowing it takes time to develop lasting change. So don’t get discouraged if you have a slip-up or two. And try not to live in a place of guilt. Guilt and beating yourself up will only make it harder to make lasting changes. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again tomorrow. Then, keep moving forward and learn from your mistakes. With a bit of patience and effort, you’ll develop the healthy eating habits you’ve always wanted.

  1. Avoid Temptation

When it comes to developing lasting eating habits, avoidance is a powerful tool. Just like a newly sober alcoholic shouldn’t hang out at a bar, someone trying to cut down on processed sugar shouldn’t spend too much time in the junk food aisle at the grocery store. By steering clear of temptation, you can set yourself up for success. 

When you’re still cultivating new habits in the early days, avoiding trigger foods and situations is vital. Once you’ve developed a solid foundation, you can be a little more lenient, and you’ll likely notice that the temptations are largely removed. But in the beginning, it’s best to err on the side of caution. After all, you don’t want to undo all your hard work with one slip-up.

  1. Have a Support System

Just like we can’t do everything alone in life, we can certainly benefit from a bit of help when it comes to developing healthy eating habits. After all, it’s always easier to stick to our goals when we have the support of others.

One option is to rely on family and friends. This can be a great option, especially if you have people in your life who are also interested in eating healthy. They can provide motivation and encouragement and help hold you accountable. However, it’s important to remember that not everyone will be as supportive as you’d like them to be. So if you feel judged or pressured, it may be time to look for other options.

Another possibility is to join a support group. These groups can provide valuable information and peer support. They can also be a great way to make new friends who share your interest in eating healthy. Overeaters Anonymous is one group that focuses on helping people develop healthy relationships with food. But there are also groups for specific diets, such as the Paleo diet and the Whole30 program.

If you’re looking for one-on-one support, you may consider hiring a lifestyle coach with accreditation as a registered nutritionist. A good coach will work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your needs and goals. They can also provide ongoing support and accountability. And once you have a handle on things, you may choose to become one yourself and join the ever-growing ranks of those helping others to develop lasting healthy eating habits.

  1. Find Inspiration and Make It Fun

When it comes to developing healthy eating habits, inspiration is key. After all, it’s hard to stick to our goals if we’re not motivated. Luckily, there are plenty of places to turn for inspiration. One option is to find a role model. This could be someone you know personally or someone you admire from afar. Either way, having someone to look up to can be a great source of motivation. If you don’t have anyone in mind, try looking up some of your favorite healthy celebrities or athletes.

Another option is to read inspiring stories. There are plenty of books and articles written by people who have overcome obstacles and made lasting changes in their lives. Reading about their journeys can help you see what’s possible and get excited about the changes you want to make in your own life.

In addition to finding inspiration, it’s also essential to ensure you’re having fun. After all, eating healthy shouldn’t be a chore. There are plenty of ways to make it enjoyable. One option is to experiment with new recipes. This can be a great way to spice up your meals and get excited about your food. If you’re not sure where to start, try a healthy option like a Mediterranean diet meal delivery service. They will provide you with all the ingredients and instructions you need to make delicious and nutritious meals.

Another option is to get active. Of course, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn’t have to be boring. There are tons of ways to make it fun. For example, you could try a new fitness class, hike in a beautiful location or even walk around your neighborhood. Whatever you do, make sure you’re enjoying yourself. Eating healthy should be a positive experience you look forward to — not something you dread.

  1. Be Realistic About Goals

Finally, it’s important to stay realistic when setting goals. If you’re unrealistic, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. It’s important to remember that change takes time. So don’t expect to make massive changes overnight. Instead, focus on making small changes that you can realistically stick to. For example, if you want to eat more vegetables, start by adding one extra serving to each meal.

Or, if you’re going to cut down on sugar, start by eliminating sugary drinks. Making small changes like this will help you develop lasting healthy eating habits. And as you become more comfortable with these changes, you can gradually make more significant ones.

Final Healthy Habits Thoughts

At the end of the day, you’re doing a great thing by even just thinking about making health a priority in your life. Taking action will push you even further in the right direction. And by following these tips, you’re setting yourself up for success. Remember to be patient, take things one step at a time and have fun. With that mindset, you’re sure to develop healthy habits that will last you a lifetime.

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