Essential Facts You Need to Know Concerning Surgical Orthodontics

When you are experiencing complex dental concerns such as jaw bone abnormalities and malocclusion, you may require surgical orthodontics. This treatment aims to help deal with and correct severe dental concerns like those named above. Some common orthodontic surgeries performed are maxillofacial and oral surgery, which treat serious craniofacial concerns involving the mouth, face, jaw, and skull. Therefore, you should seek surgical orthodontics Cedar Park treatment if you have been diagnosed with any of the above concerns to help correct the conditions and restore your mouth function. Below are a few facts you need to know concerning surgical orthodontics.
When is surgical orthodontics needed?
In most cases, surgical orthodontics is used to treat adults with some aesthetic concerns or those with improper bites. Usually, jaw growth stops at eighteen in males and sixteen in females. Therefore, the jaw should have fully grown and developed for you to receive orthodontic surgery. When your jaws are improperly aligned, resulting in an uneven bite, you might require orthodontics surgery and orthodontic treatment to help align your jaw, thus moving your teeth into the proper position.
How to know if you need orthognathic surgery?
Generally, your dentist or orthodontists inform you if orthognathic surgery offers the best solution to your dental concerns. Therefore, depending on the alignment of your jaw and the severity of your condition, you may or may not require surgery.
What risks are associated with orthodontics surgery?
Like other medical surgeries, certain risks are usually associated with orthodontics surgery. The process of orthodontic surgery is familiar because it has been performed for several years, thus allowing your care providers to eliminate some of the risks due to advancements in technology in dentistry. Examples of risks associated with orthodontic surgery include pulp changes, pain, root resorption, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and periodontal disease.
What are the benefits of undergoing orthodontics surgery?
For most people, the primary benefit of undergoing orthodontics surgery is achieving a healthy and beautiful smile that boosts confidence and self-esteem. The surgery also helps treat and correct dental concerns such as bad bites. It also deals with misaligned teeth and jaws, which, if left untreated, might lead to serious complications such as periodontal diseases.
How does orthodontics surgery work?
Qualified and experienced maxillofacial and oral surgeons perform most orthodontic surgeries in a hospital. Usually, the surgical procedure might take several hours, depending on the severity of your condition. Once your procedure is completed, your care provider recommends a rest period of about two weeks before you resume your daily chores. You will also be required to attend all your appointments during the healing process to ensure you are healing and recovering properly because orthodontics surgery is a major treatment procedure.
You should ensure that you wear braces for around six to twelve months after sleeve surgery and put on retainers after removing the braces to help enhance and maintain your new smile. Therefore, if you require orthodontic surgery to help correct malocclusion, a bad bite, or a jaw abnormality, you can schedule your appointment at Freedom Orthodontics today and undergo the procedure to help improve the quality of your smile. The procedures are performed by qualified and experienced specialists who ensure that up-to-date technology is used to give you the smile you have always wanted.